You can mix and match O'Neill International courses to complete your World Languages and Culture credit. Simply participate in at least two experiences from below and you will fulfill the requirement. You can spend your summer overseas and jump from one program to the next — or return home and complete your second experience another summer. All programs below are three credit hours and at least three weeks in duration.
Mix and match your World Language and Culture credit
O'Neill in Athens (CLC only)
O'Neill in Barbados
O'Neill in Copenhagen
O'Neill in Germany
O'Neill in Germany and Italy
O'Neill in Indonesia
O'Neill in Ireland
Please note: WL&C credit generally takes a few months after your return to post to your transcript. If you are a senior graduating immediately after your study abroad program and need WL&C credit to graduate, please let us know so we can be proactive about getting the credit applied to your transcript in time.